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Archive for March, 2011

Abscesses and Boils: Homeopathic Treatment

Posted by Dr. R.S.Mann on March 13, 2011

Angustura-  Abscess of the ankle joint.

Apis Mellfica- Stinging, burning pains in incipient abscesses. Diffuse inflammation of the cellular tissue.

Arnica- Arnica has an action on skin, producing crops of boils all over the body. They begin with soreness and go on to suppuration and are followed by another crop of boils. It may also be used in boils and abscesses which have partially matured but which instead of discharging, shrivel up by reason of absorption of the contained pus.

      Hot, hard and shining swelling; pricking pains and dull stitches in the part.

Arsenicum Album- Arsenicum may be used in carbuncles or in boils with pepper-box openings and dipping deeply into the cellular tissues. It is indicated when the character of the pain is cutting, lancinating, burning with aggravation after midnight and irritability of mind and body is present.

Intolerable burning pains with fever, pus copious, bloody, corroding, ichorous, watery and of a putrid smell. Great debility, muscular prostration, sleeplessness and restlessness is present.

Belladona- In beginning of inflammation, scarlet redness, hot swelling, sudden onset, great sensitiveness to cold air.

Belladona is indicated by the violence of symptoms, by radiating redness, by throbbing and tendency towards suppuration.

Carbo Veg- Carbo veg can be administered in carbuncles, particularly when the affected parts are bluish and livid and when discharges are offensive and associated with burning pains. When carbuncles or boils are become gangrenous , carbo veg may be indicated. In these cases it is distinguished from Arsenicum by the absence of the extreme restlessness.

Chamomilla- Abscess very hot and painful with clear, serous suppuration not relieved by Arsenicum Album.

Hepar Sulf- Throbbing and beating in the abscess, skin over the abscess is highly inflamed , hard, hot and swelling; pus scanty, bloody, corroding, smelling like old cheese; pains worse at night and by exposure to cold.

If suppuration occurs as the result of the inflammation, we have Hepar indicated and exercising a double function. If you give it in a high potency when the throbbing, stabbing pains in affected part and the general rigor show the onset of inflammation, it may abort the whole trouble. In other cases, if you see that suppuration is necessary and wish to hasten the process, then you give Hepar in low potency.  

Mercurius Sol- Slowly suppurating abscess. Burning redness of the skin, with prickling and tingling sensation.

Another condition in which we may use Mercurius is one of inflammation which has gone on to suppuration, whether the disease be a boil , a tonsillitis or any other form of inflammation. Mercurius belongs to an interesting little group of medicines which you will use very often; they are Belladona, Hepar, Mercurius and Lachesis. To these we may also add Silicea and Sulphur. You should prefer Belladona in the beginning of inflammation.

You should change to Hepar when the sharp sticking pains and chills indicate the beginning of suppuration. It may prevent suppuration when given in the incipiency of that process.

Mercurius is suited to a still more advanced state when pus has formed and you wish it evacuated. Mercurius does not prevent the formation of pus but rather favors it.If you give it too soon you will spoil the case. In felons , if it is given low, it will generally favor the rapid formation of pus.

When pus continues to discharge and the wound refuses to heal, Silicea follows Hepar. In some of these cases, the benefit under Silicea will cease, Then a dose or two of Sulphur will excite reaction and Silicea can effect a cure.

Lachesis is indicated when the pus degenerates and becomes of a dark , thin, offensive character with the sensitiveness to touch of that drug.

Silicea- Silicea produces inflammation of cellular tissue, going on to suppuration which is rather indolent or sluggish in type and become chronic. Persistent cases of ulceration, cellulitis come under this medicine.

Cases of Furuncles which occur in crops and which do not heal readily but continue to discharge a rather thin, watery


1.Homeopathic Therapeutics- Samuel Lilienthal

2.Clinical Materia medica- E.A.Farrington

3.Allen’s Keynotes- H.C.Allen

4.Homeopathic Drug Pictures- M.L.Tyler

5.Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica and Repertory- W. Boericke

6.The Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics- E.B.Nash

7.Boenninghausen’s Therapeutic Pocket Book- T.F.Allen

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